What are the benefits of sadhu board therapy?

What are the benefits of sadhu board therapy?

The Roots of Nail Standing

In the diverse world of spiritual and physical practices, Sadhu board nail standing is a symbol of discipline, mental strength, and inner harmony. This ancient tradition is becoming more popular among modern yogis and individuals seeking self-development and alternative medicine.

What Is a Sadhu Board?

The first association with a Sadhu board, studded with nails, is pain and discomfort. Many recall images of Indian yogis sleeping on nails or walking on broken glass. Their serene smiles during these practices inspire others to test the art of nail standing.

Amazing Benefits of Sadhu Board Nail Standing

Stimulation of Reflex Points

Simulating the principles of acupuncture, the nails stimulate the reflex points on the feet. The positive effect of this stimulation is understandable to everyone.

Improved Blood Circulation

The pressure from the nails enhances blood flow, aiding tissue healing and oxygen saturation.

Relaxation and Peace of Mind

After the initial discomfort comes relaxation. This is due to the release of endorphins — natural pain relievers of the body.

Mind Discipline

Using a Sadhu board is a challenge not so much for the body, but for the mind. Regular practice promotes the development of stamina, concentration and determination.


The practice of nail standing promotes detoxification, improving blood circulation and removing toxins from the body.

Stress Relief

Regular practice of nail standing helps in relieving pain in the spine, and reducing muscle tension throughout the body.

Deeper Sleep

All those who have taken the habit of standing on nails, note an improvement in the quality of sleep.

Enhanced Meditation

For those who have embarked on the path of spiritual development, sadhu nails standing can become a catalyst for this process, deepen meditation.

Increased Energy

The release of endorphins and improved blood circulation are combined to give a boost of energy better than a cup of coffee.

Immune System Strengthening

“Small” stress for the body, while practicing nail standing can help to strengthen the immunity system. It's like hardening, but without the feeling of cold and ants on the body.


Sadhu board is a vehicle, and the process of nail standing is a journey from the past to the “here and now”, from anxiety to peace, from the material to the spiritual world, from physical discomfort to the harmonious development of the body. Approach to practice with an open mind and caution, listen to the advice of experienced practitioners and your body. It is then, nails standing will become your unique experience of self-understanding, self-improvement and will open up for you unknown before horizons.

Explore Our Collection

Check out our collection of Sadhu Boards by Oh! Sadhu and find the perfect addition to your practice.

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